Alma Ata Graduate School of Public Health is designed to fulfill the need of the students to become a professional public health practitioner, especially as a Public Health Nutrition practitioner or as an Epidemiologist. Infection disease is a current issue in public health field. Coronavirus or 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19 virus) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. The first case of COVID-19 disease was found in China, and on March 2020, the rapid increase in the number of cases outside China led WHO to announce that the outbreak could be characterized as a pandemic. Indonesia have a high both mortality and morbidity rate of COVID-19, even though in Indonesia has been implement Movement Control Order/ region lockdown. Public health professionals are needed to decrease the prevalence of COVID-19 through preventive and curative intervention in Indonesia. Alma Ata University already focused on COVID-19 disease prevention through the COVID-19 surveillance. Through well design curriculum, Master of Public Health Alma Ata University will produce high quality Epidemiologists and public health nutrition experts to overcome COVID-19. Address : Brawijaya St 99, Bantul, Spesial Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55183 Phone : (0274) 4342288, 4342270 e-mail : Program ini diperuntukkan bagi Mahasiswa UAA mulai dari Semester V dari seluruh program studi yang berkeinginan menjadi Ilmuan Muda lebih cepat dengan melanjutkan pendidikan S2 bersamaan dengan pendidikan S1 download brosur kami disiniFind a Program