Dosen Fakultas



Prof. dr. Hamam Hadi, MS., Sc.D., Sp.GK


Prof Hamam Hadi graduated as Medical Doctor from Gadjah Mada University in 1988. In 1993, he completed his Magister of Science (MS) in Epidemiology at Gadjah Mada University. He then pursued his doctoral study at International Health Department, School of Hygiene and Public Health, the Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Maryland, USA from 1993 to 1997. He earned his Doctor of Science (Sc.D) degree from JHU in 1997 and returned back to his almamater and became a junior lecturer at Gadjah Mada University. In 1998, Prof Hamam established Master Program in Public Health Nutrition at Gadjah Mada University and became the chair of the program until 2015. In 2000, Prof Hamam was appointed to be Director of Master Program in Public Health, at Gadjah Mada University. He was then appointed to be the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University in 2001. In 2006 he and his family established the Alma Ata School of Health Sciences and chaired it from 2009 until 2015. Prof Hamam Hadi has been the President of Alma Ata University since December 2015 until now following the change of Alma Ata School of Health Sciences became the University of Alma Ata in December 2015

Area of Interest

  • Nutritional epidemiology
  • Maternal & child nutrition
  • Obesity
  • Public health nutrition

Publication (click to view publication)

Prof. Wan Abdul Manan Bin Wan Muda


  • Cert. in Global Nutrition (Nutrition & IT), Uppsala University, 2002
  • D (Nutrition & Public Health), Columbia University, New York, 1984
  • Ed (Community Nutri & Nutrition Education), Columbia University, New York, 1981
  • Sc (Clinical Nutrition), Rush University, Chicago, Illinois, 1979
  • A (Nutrition & Dietetics), Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota,1977

Area of Expertise

  • Anthropometry
  • Obesity
  • Nutrition and Environment
  • Food Security
  • Social Determinants of Health and Nutrition
  • Issues in Higher Education

Publication (click to view publication)

Prof. dr. Siswanto Agus Wilopo, M.Sc., M.D., Sc.D.


  • Doctor of Science (Sc.D.), School of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD., USA
  • Master of Science (M.Sc.), Faculty of Health Science McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
  • Sarjana Utama (SU), Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
  • Doktor (dr), Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

Area of Expertise

  • Biostatictis
  • Public Health
  • Epidemiology
  • Demography
  • Population and Reproductive Health

Publication (click to view publication)


Esti Nurwanti, RD., MPH., PhD


  • Doctor of Philoshopy (Ph.D), Taipei Medical University
  • Master of Public Health(M.P.H), Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Dietitian, Gadjah Mada University
  • Bachelor of Nutrition (S.Gz), Gadjah Mada University

Area of Interest

  • Obesitas and metabolic syndrome
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Smartphone app
  • Dietary biomarker

Publication (click to view publication)


Edi Sampurno, M.Nurs., PhD


  • Doctor of Philoshopy (Ph.D), Taipei Medical University
  • Master of Nursing (M.Nurs), University of Wollongong, Australia
  • Bachelor of Nursing (BN), University of Technology, Sydney

Publication (click to view publication)

Dr. dr Susilowati, M.Kes

Educational Background

  • Doctor of Public Health (Dr), Gadjah Mada University
  • Master of Public Health (M.Kes), Gadjah Mada University
  • Medical Doctor (dr), Airlangga University

Research Award

2008 Springer Award for excellent trans-disciplinary research on Eco Health. International Association for Ecology and Health (IAEH)

Most recent international publication (2010 - 2011)

Sarah Thomsen, Dinh Thi Phuong Hoa, Mats Målqvist, Linda Sanneving, Deepak Saxena, Susilowati Tana, Beibei Yuan,g Peter Byassh. 2011. Promoting equity to achieve maternal and child health. Reproductive Health Matters 2011;19(38):176–182 0968-8080/11. DOI: 10.1016/S0968-8080(11)38586-2

Tana, S. Umniyati, S.R, Wulansari, R., Kroeger, A., Petzold, M. 2011. Building and analyzing an innovative community centered dengue ecosystem management intervention in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A paper to be submitted to the journal of EcoHealth.

Tana, S. Eco-Bio-Social Research on Dengue in Asia: General Principles and a Case Study from Indonesia. 2011. In: Charron, D.F. (editor), Ecohealth Research in Practice: Innovative Applications of an Ecosystem Approach to Health. Springer, New York, NY, USA / International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada.

Dengue vectors at the dynamic interface of environmental, biological and social (eco-biosocial) determinants: a multi country study in urban and peri urban Asia. Bulletin of World Health Organization 2010; 88: 173 – 184.

Other publications/writings

  1. List of Reports
    Tana et al. 2016. The association between road infrastructure development project and HIV AIDS transmission and Human Trafficking. Report to Directorate General of Road development, Republic Indonesia and Asian Development Bank.
    Tana et al. 2015. Research on strategic purchasing in Indonesia. Report to WHO TDR.Tana S. 2014. The application of Eco Bio and Social Approach for Emerging infectious disease research in Asia. Report to International Research and Development Center (IDRC), Canada.Tana, S. 2010. Institutional Mapping for Health Human Resources in Indonesia. Report to AusAID Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Change.Tana, S. 2009. Development of youth reproductive health program in Cangkringan District, Yogyakarta. Report to the Ford Foundation. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social ChangeTana, S. 2009. Development of Community Based Reproductive Health Programs for Vulnerable Youth Groups. Report to the Ford Foundation. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Change.Tana, S. 2007. Advocacy, Communication, and Social Mobilization Indicators in Tuberculosis Control. Report to International Union against Tuberculosis and Lungs Disease (IUATLD) and WHO. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social StudiesTana, S. 2007. Public-Private Partnership in Tuberculosis Control. Report to International Union against Tuberculosis and Lungs Disease (IUATLD) and WHO. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social StudiesPrawitasari, J.E. Tana, S (editor). 2004. Violence against women: Lessons learnt from the South East Asian countries (English and Bahasa Indonesia version). Report of Sensitizing Police Force on Reproductive Health and Rights project to the Ford Foundation. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Tana, S. Baskara, M.I. 2003. Evaluation of community elderly care in Central Java. Report to the PPLM PSK project. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Tana, S. 2003. Development of management information system of maternal health. Report to the Central Java Provincial Health Office. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Tana, S. 2003. Public accountability of health system in Lampung province. Report to the Lampung Provincial Health Office. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Tana, S. 2003. Private provider’s role in a decentralized health system. Report to the World Health Organization. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Tana, S. 2002. Monitoring and evaluation of social safety nets program in health sector in Indonesia. Report to the Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Tana, S. 2002. Technical assistance and advocacy of the health decentralization process from Gadjah Mada University to Yogyakarta Special province. Report to World Health Organization. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies. 

    Tana, S. 2002. Private Provider’s Roles in a decentralized health system. Report to WHO

    Tana, S. 2001. Monitoring Social Safety Nets in Health Sector II. Report to the Ministry of Health – Asian Development Bank.

    GRHA Yudistira. Jl. Kaliurang km. 10 (Pasar Gentan ke Timur 600m). Gg. Yudistira No. 898. RT 01, RW 09. Dukuh, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman. Yogyakarta 55581 Indonesia. Telp: 62-274 88352811

    Prawitasari, J.E., Tana, S. 2001. Performance appraisal for center of health crisis in Central Java. Report to the Policy Project, USAID. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.

  2. List of articles
    Tana, S. Umniyati, S.R, Wulansari, R., Kroeger, A., Petzold, M. 2011. Building and analyzing an innovative community centered dengue ecosystem management intervention in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A paper to be submitted to the journal of EcoHealth.
    Tana, S. Eco-Bio-Social Research on Dengue in Asia: General Principles and a Case Study from Indonesia. 2011 (in press). In: Charron, D.F. (editor), Ecohealth Research in Practice: Innovative Applications of an Ecosystem Approach to Health. Springer, New York, NY, USA / International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada.Arunachalam, N., Tana, S., Espino, F., Kittayapong, P., Abeyewickreme, W., Wai, K.T., Tyagi, B.K., Kroeger, A., Sommerfeld, J., Petzold, M. 2010. Eco-Bio-Social Determinants of dengue vector breeding: a multicountry study in urban and pen urban Asia. Bulletin of World Health Organization; 88: 173-184Tana, S. 2004. Discrepancy of health care access in Indonesia. Mensana magazine, September 2004.Tana, S. 2004. Complaint resolution mechanism for health sector. Mensana magazine, November 2004Tana, S. 2004. The implementation of Sexual Transmitted Disease control under decentralization. Mensana magazine, July 2004Central Independent Monitoring Unit. 2002. Training needs assessment of health sector government officials of Indonesia under decentralization. Jakarta: Website of British Council representative to Indonesia.Tana, S. 2002. The Implementation of Sex Transmitted Diseases Control Policy in Decentralization: A Case Study of Jogjakarta City. Masri Singarimbun Awarded by the Center for Population and Policy of Gadjah Mada University.Latupeirissa, S.B., Hadi, H. Tana, S. 2000. Behavioral of chronic energy deficient women in feeding program at Wates and Temon health center of Kulonprogo district. Indonesian Health Science vol 13, p. 1 – 14. September 2000.Tana, S. Baskara, I. 1999. Challenges in Social Safety Nets Targeting. Medika Special Edition, September 1999.Tana, S. Marfai, A. 1999. Challenges and support factors for effective supplementary feeding program of Social Safety Nets program in health sector. The Indonesian Journal for Health Service Management vol 02/No. 1/ 1999.Tana, S. Saripurnawan, J. 1999. A Case study of Social Safety Nets Program in a Community Health Center. The Indonesian Journal for Health Service Management vol 02/No.01/1999etc
  3. List of book (the more complete version can be seen on or )
    Tana, S. Horstick, O. Sommerfeld, J. 2010. Eco-Bio-Social Research on Dengue in Asia: General Principles and a Case Study from Indonesia. IDRC book will be launched in August 2010 in Ecohealth Conference London.
    Tana, S. 2008. Tantangan Program HIV/AIDS bagi Kelompok dengan Perilaku Beresiko. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social ChangeGRHA Yudistira. Jl. Kaliurang km. 10 (Pasar Gentan ke Timur 600m). Gg. Yudistira No. 898. RT 01, RW 09. Dukuh, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman. Yogyakarta 55581 Indonesia. Telp: 62-274-88352812

    Tana, S. 2007. Advocacy, Communication, and Social Mobilization Indicators and Public-Private Partnership in Tuberculosis Control. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies
    Tana, S. 2007. (Editor). Aspek Lingkungan, Biologi, dan Sosial Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD): Panduan bagi Peneliti dan Fasilitator dalam Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Change.Tana, S. 2007. Understanding Factors Contributing to the Resiliency of Aceh Health Workforce. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social ChangeTana, S. 2005. (Editor). Fighting against the Resurgence of Malaria in Menoreh. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social StudiesNugraheni, W. Tana, S. Prawitasari, J.E. (Editor). 2005. kekerasan terhadap Perempuan: Perspektif dan Penanganan. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Prawitasari, J.E. Tana, S. 2005. Women’s Reproductive Right and health in the Neighboring Countries: Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, and Malaysia. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Tana, S. 2004. Access to malaria treatment during economic crisis and regional health reform in Yogyakarta province in Indonesia: A case study. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Tana, S. 2004. Factors contributing to the resiliency of IDPs and the persistence of TB. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Tana, S. 2004. Factors associated with anemia prevalence of pregnant women and children under 5s in Gunung Kidul regency. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Tana, S. 2004. Understanding the impact of multidimensional crisis on TB control Program to the internally displaced person in Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Tana, S. 2004. The roles of private and non governmental organization to the national health goals of Indonesia: Current evidences and alternatives of policy/strategy. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Studies.Etc.
  4. List of Module
    Editor: HIV AIDS Care and Treatment: Guidance for Training for health personnel at primary health facilities on clinical aspect of HIV AIDS Care and Treatment in caring for persons living with HIV AIDS. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Change
    Editor: Training of Trainer for Youth Peer Educator. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social Change.Editor: Responding the Challenges of HIV&AIDS Epidemy Using Gender and Human Rights Perspective: Guidance for Facilitator inTraining for Decision Maker. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social ChangeEditor: Responding the Challenges of HIV&AIDS Epidemy Using Gender and Human Rights Perspective: Guidance for Facilitator inTraining for Program Officer. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social ChangeEditor: Responding the Challenges of HIV&AIDS Epidemy Using the Perspective of Gender and Human Rights:Basic Material. Yogyakarta: Center for Health Policy and Social ChangeTana, S. Buku Saku penanggulangan bencana dari perspektif Kesehatan MasyarakatTana, S. 2001. Writer. Customer Long term relationship for Hospital. Modul Pelatihan dalam Pelatihan eksekutif Rumah Sakit di Magister Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada.GRHA Yudistira. Jl. Kaliurang km. 10 (Pasar Gentan ke Timur 600m). Gg. Yudistira No. 898. RT 01, RW 09. Dukuh, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman. Yogyakarta 55581 Indonesia. Telp: 62-274-883528 13

    Tana, S. 2001. Translator. Social Marketing for Health Providers. Modul kuliah Pemasaran Sosial di Magister Manajemen Program dan Kebijakan Kesehatan, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada.

International Training/Workshop/Net work (selected)

  1. Workshop in Sterile Insect Technique based approaches to Control Populations of Mosquito Disease Vectors with Special Reference to Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika Vectors (2015). Kuala Lumpur, Institute for Medical Research (IMR)
  2. Fifth Eco Health conference (2014) Montreal Canada. Plenary speaker.
  3. Eco Health Training of Trainer. Pattaya, Thailand. 2012. Training participant.
  4. Eco_Health publication workshop. Ko Chang island, Thailand. 2011.
  5. Eco-Health proposal development workshop 2. Cambodia 2011.
  6. Eco-Health proposal development workshop. Vietnam 2010.
  7. Eco-health International conference. Sponsored by International Development Research Center and World Health Organization, London, 2010
  8. Workshop on Conflict, Gender and Development. Davao City Phillipines. Mindanao Working Groups in collaboration with the Ford Foundation Jakarta.. November 2008.
  9. Eco Health International conference. Sponsored by International Development Research Center and World Health Organization. Mexico, 2008.
  10. International conference on HIV/AIDS. Sponsored by Open Society Institute. Mexico City. August 2008.
  11. Training on Gender, Sexuality and Reproductive Health, Geneva Foundation for Medical Research and Education (GFMER) and World Health Organization (WHO). 28 March – 28 April 2007. Sponsored by the Ford Foundation
  12. Course on Human Subject Protection and Standard Operating Procedures for Ethics Committee. National Health Research Ethics Commission. National Institute of Research and Development, Ministry of Health Republic Indonesia. Jakarta, 2006.
  13. Workshop on Health System Action Network Development. Sponsored by USAID, Toronto Canada. 2006
  14. Workshop on Eco-Bio-Social aspect of Dengue. Facilitated by WHO TDR and sponsored by International Research Development Center. Bangkok, Thailand. 2006GRHA Yudistira. Jl. Kaliurang km. 10 (Pasar Gentan ke Timur 600m). Gg. Yudistira No. 898. RT 01, RW 09. Dukuh, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman. Yogyakarta 55581 Indonesia. Telp: 62-274-8835282 & 2007
  15. Workshop on Public Health Watch. Open Society Institute. Istanbul, Turkey. 2006
  16. Workshop on Ecohealth approach in human health. Sponsored by International Development Research Centre. Goa, India.
  17. Course on Research Method on Reproductive Health. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, USA. Sponsored by the Ford Foundation. July, 2003.
  18. Seminar on System Thinking and Organizational Learning for Population and Reproductive Health. The Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population & Reproductive Health. Bloomberg School of Public Health. The John Hopkins University & The Blankons Gates Indonesia. Surabaya, March, 2002
  19. Workshop on Tropical Disease Research. World Health Organization, Geneva. Harare-Zimbabwe, 2001
  20. Evidence for Health Policy: Burden of Disease, Cost Effectiveness and Health Systems. Burden of Disease of Harvard University and Global Programme on Evidence for Health Policy, WHO. Bali, 2000
  21. Public Health Nutritional Epidemiology. Southampton University, England. September, 1999


Dr. Arif Sabta Aji

Educational Background

  • Doctor (Dr) – Andalas University, Indonesia, 2016-2019
  • Master of Biomedical Science, Andalas University, Indonesia, 2015-2016
  • Bachelor of Science in Health Nutrition (BSc) – Brawijaya University, Indonesia, 2010-2014

Area of interest

  • Nutrigenetics
  • Vitamin D
  • Human Nutrition
  • Biomedicine


Dr Arif Sabta Aji is a Nutritionist and Lecturer in Nutrigenetics and Maternal and Child Health Nutrition at
Department of Nutrition, University of Alma Ata. He has joined in the University of Alma Ata in 2019,
with a BSc in Human Nutrition from Brawijaya University in 2014 and was awarded a PhD in Biomedical
Science from Andalas University in 2019.
He has initiated the Vitamin D in Pregnant Mothers (VDPM) cohort study as well as his PhD Dissertation
topic that aims to analyse the genetic and non-genetic risk factors of vitamin D deficiency and the effect
to newborn anthropometry measurement among Minangkabau pregnant women: a longitudinal study
in West Sumatra, Indonesia. He has received funds as a PI for his Doctoral research study from Indonesia
Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education and Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation
His primary research focuses on establishing the role of micronutrients and lifestyle in the prevention of
malnutrition and pregnancy complication for improving maternal health and pregnancy outcomes as
well as investigation of gene-nutrients interaction on metabolic- and improved maternal health- related
outcomes using the combination of genetic epidemiology, statistical genetics, and molecular biology. His
long-term goal is to use the finding from the observational studies to carry out human intervention
studies with a view towards preventing Triple Burden of Malnutrition (TBM) in Indonesia by nutrition
and genetics approach to facilitate ‘Personalised Nutrition’.

External Activities

  1. Editorial Board member: Indonesian Journal of Medical Science and Public Health (IJMP)
  2. Editorial Board member: Global Nutrition Journal (GNJ)
  3. Journal reviewer (e.g Media Gizi Indonesia, Indonesia Journal of Human Nutrition, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, Macedonian Journal of Medical Science, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, etc)
  4. Committee Member: Indonesia Nutrition Scholar Association (Head Department of Leadership Nutrition)
  5. Chairman of Millennials Voice Indonesia: A platform of non-profit youth organization from
    various alliances that have the same interests in the nutrition, health, and food security which is
    connecting millennials generation around Indonesia.
  6. Professional membership in Nutrition Society, American Society for Nutrition, and Indonesia Nutrition Association.

Selected Publication Lists

  • A Genetic Approach to Study the Relationship between Maternal Vitamin D Status and Newborn
    Anthropometry Measurements: The Vitamin D Pregnant Mother (VDPM) cohort study.
    Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders (2020) 19(1):91–103.
  • Vitamin D deficiency status and its related risk factors during early pregnancy: a cross-sectional
    study of pregnant Minangkabau women, Indonesia.
    BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Journal 2019. 19:183.
  • A nutrigenetic approach for investigating the relationship between vitamin B12 status and
    metabolic traits in Indonesian women.
    J Diabetes Metab Disord 18, 389–399 (2019).
  • Association between Lifestyle and Maternal Vitamin D Status during Pregnancy in West
    Sumatera, Indonesia
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2018;27(6):1286-1293. DOI: 10.6133/apjcn.201811_27(6).0016.


Dr. Sri Werdati, SKM, MKes.


  • Doctor of Public Health (Dr) – Gadjah Mada University
  • Master of Public Health (M.Kes) – Gadjah Mada University
  • Bachelor of Public Health (SKM) – Diponegoro University

Publication (click to view publication)


Dr. Sutjipto, SKM., M.Kes., DAP&E


  • Doctor of Public Health (Dr), Gadjah Mada University
  • Diploma In Applied Parasitology and Entomology (DAP&E), Institute of Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Master of Public Health (M.Kes), Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP), Gadjah Mada University
  • Bachelor of Public Health (SKM), Diponegoro University

Area of Interest

  • Epidemiology
  • Public Health Parasitology and Entomology
  • Communicable Disease Control
  • Malaria Surveillance
  • Disaster Surveillance


dr. Choirul Anwar, M.Kes


  • Master of Health Policy and Management, Gadjah Mada University
  • Doctor (dr), Airlangga University

Area of interest

  • Hospital Accreditation
  • Quality Assurance
  • Hospital Organization
  • Health Regulation And Policy
  • Hospital Service Management


Dr. drg. Dibyo Pramono, S.U., MDSC.

Educational Background

  • Master (MDSc), Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Sydney
  • Sarjana Utama (SU), Gadjah Mada University

Area of interest

  • Medical and Health Sciences
  • Health Care Administration
  • Public Health and Health Service


dr. Arida Oetami, M.Kes


  • Master of Health Science (M.Kes) – Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, 1998-2000
  • Medical Doctor (M.D.) – Udayana University, Indonesia, 1979-1986


  • Medical Doctor in RS Islam Klaten, 1986-1996
  • Medical Doctor in RSUP Tegalyoso Klaten, 1988-1992
  • SPI of RS Islam Klaten, 2000- 2012
  • Trainer in International Coding of Disease Audit, 2002
  • Trainer in Technical Assistance on Food Industry Hygiene, 2002
  • National Consultant in Clinical Performance Development and Management System for Nurses and Midwives in Hospital and Community Health Center, 2003
  • Data Analyst Consultant in Clinical Performance Development and Management System for Nurses and Midwives in Hospital and Community Health Center, 2003
  • Trainer in Clinical Performance Development and Management System for Nurses and Midwives in Hospital and Community Health Center, 2003
  • Governing Board of RS Islam Klaten 2012- at recent
  • Chief of Health Referral Subdivision, Jogjakarta Provincial Health Office, 1993-2001
  • Chief of Primary Care and Health Referral subdivision, Jogjakarta Provincial Health Office, 2002- 2007
  • Data Analyst Consultant in Clinical Performance Development and Management System for Nurses and Midwives in Hospital and Community Health Center, 2007
  • Chief of Lung Klinik , Jogjakarta Health Office, 2007-2008
  • Chief of Health Services Devision, Jogjakarta Provincial Health Office, 2008-2011
  • Chief of Health Service Division, Yogyakarta Health Office, 2008 – 2011
  • Director of Grhasia Mental Hospital Yogyakarta , 2011-2013
  • Head of Yogyakarta Special Region Health Office, 2013 – 2016
  • Head of Women’s and Community Empowerment Board, Yogyakarta Special Region, 2016- 2019
  • Head of Women’s empowerment, child protection and population control Office, 2019-2020
  • Governing Board of RSA UGM 2017 – at recent


Prof. Joel Gittelsohn

Academic Qualification :

  • PhD, University of Connecticut – Storrs, 1989
  • MS, University of Connecticut – Storrs, 1986

Area Of Interest :

  • International Health, Nutritional anthropology
  • culture
  • behavior
  • dietary patterns
  • nutrition intervention
  • obesity prevention
  • diabetes prevention
  • environmental interventions
  • food store programs
  • disaster resilience


Prof. Keith P. West, DrPH

Academic Qualification :

  • DrPH, Johns Hopkins University, 1986
  • MPH, Johns Hopkins University

Area Of Interest :

  • international health
  • micronutrients
  • vitamin A
  • maternal and child nutrition
  • international nutrition
  • nutritional epidemiology


Professor Michael Dibley

Details :

Research Interest :

  • Epidemiology
  • Nutrition
  • International maternal and child health
  • Public health
  • Maternal and child health
  • Public health intervention research

Professor Ya-Wen Chiu

Education :

  • Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley (U.S.A.) Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry
  • M.E.M., Yale University (U.S.A.) Environmental Management
  • B.S., National Taiwan University (Taiwan) Plant Pathology

Research Interest :

  • Global health organization
  • Health assistance policy
  • Health and safety
  • Evidence-based medicine promotion


  • 2019- Director, Ph.D Program in Global Health and Health Security, Taipei Medical University
  • 2016- Professor, Master Program in Global Health and Development, College of Public Health and Nutrition, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
  • 2015–2018  Director & Associate Professor, Master Program in Global Health and Development, College of Public Health and Nutrition, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
  • 2013–2016 Associate Professor, Master Program in Global Health and Development, College of Public Health and Nutrition, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
  • 2011-2013 Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, Taipei Medical University
  • 2011– Supervisor, Taiwan Evidence-Based Medicine Association
  • 2011– Counselor, Taiwan Health Corps
  • 2011– Supervisor, Taiwan Harm Reduction Association
  • 2005–2013 Assistant Investigator, Institute of Population Health Sciences, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan
  • 2008-2012 Supervisor, Taiwan Chapter of Society For Risk Analysis
  • 2002–2005 Research Fellow, Bureau of International Cooperation, Department of Health, Taiwan
  • 2000–2002 Senior Researcher, Recycling Management Foundation, Environmental Protection Agency, Taiwan

Professor Tzay-Jinn Chen

Director and Professor, Reasearch Center of Health and Welfare Policy, Taipei Medical University

Education :

  • 1990.08-1991.06 Harvard University Institute of Public Health, Medical Institution Management Master
  • 1963.09-1976.06 Department of Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Bachelor of Thoracic, Nephrology, Internal Medicine

Experience :

  • 2018- Research Center of Health and Welfare Policy, Taipei Medical University
  • 2013.08- Director, Health Policy and Care Research Center, Taipei Medical University
  • 2012.10- Professor, Master Program in Global Health and Development, Taipei Medical University
  • 2011.10- Director, Medical Education, Wan Fang Hospital, Taipei Medical University
  • 1995-1997 Superintendent, Taipei City Hospital Heping Branch
  • 1992-1995 Superintendent, Taipei City Hospital Linsen Chinese Medicine Branch
  • 1988-1992 Director, Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei City Hospital Zhongxiao Branch
  • 1982-1996 Attending Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital
  • 1981-1988 Attending Physician, Taoyuan Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • 1982-1986 Adjunctive Director, Laboratory Medicine, Taoyuan Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • 1978-1981 Attending Physician, National Taiwan University Hospital

Professor Nai-Wen Kuo

Education :

  • Ph.D. in Health Policy and Management, The Johns Hopkins University (USA)
  • M.P.H. in Health Administration, Yale University (USA)
  • B.P.H., National Taiwan University

Research Interest :

  • Healthcare Quality Management
  • Healthcare Marketing
  • Strategic Management in Healthcare Organizations
  • Healthcare Facility Design
  • Patient Safety


  • 2009- Professor, School of Health Care Administration, Taipei Medical University
  • 2003-2009 Associate Professor, School of Health Care Administration, Taipei Medical University
  • 1997-2003 Assistant Professor, School of Health Care Administration, Taipei Medical University
  • 2018.08- Director, Ph.D Program in Global Health and Health Security, Taipei Medical University
  • 2018.08- Professor, Ph.D Program in Global Health and Health Security, Taipei Medical University
  • 2018.05- Director, Master Program in Global Health and Development, Taipei Medical University
  • 2017.01- Director, Global Health Security Research Center, College of Public Health, Taipei Medical University
  • 2016.08- Dean, College of Public Health, Taipei Medical University
  • 2011.10-2016.08 Dean, Office of Global Engagement, Taipei Medical University
  • 2010.08-2011.09 Secretary General, Secretariat, Taipei Medical University
  • 2006.08-2011.07 Director, School of Health Care Administration, Taipei Medical University
  • 2000.08-2002.08 Deputy Superintendent(Administrative), Taipei Medical University Hospital
  • 1988.08-1990.07 Teaching Assistant, National Taiwan University


2019 Affiliated Hospital Research Project Award, Taipei Medical University

Professor Jane C-J Chao

Education :

  • PhD, Department of Human Nutrition and Food Management, The Ohio State University
  • MS, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, The Ohio State University
  • BS, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University

Research Interest :

  • Effects of epidermal growth factor on regulation of growth, metabolism, and healing of the intestinal cells
  • Application of Chinese herb cocktail to the prevention and therapy of chronic diseases and cancers
  • Evaluation of functional foods
  • Establishment of nutrition information on web and data analysis
  • Association between dietary patterns and chronic disease


  • 2016.08.01- Dean, College of Nutrition, Taipei Medical University
  • 2015.08.01- Professor, School of Health Care Administration, Taipei Medical University
  • 2014.11.01-2016.07.31 Dean, Office of Student Affairs, Taipei Medical University
  • 2014.02.01-2014.10.31 Vice Dean, Office of Student Affairs, Taipei Medical University
  • 2014.01.01-2017.12.31 Editorial board member, World Journal of Gastroenterology
  • 2013.02.01- Adjunct Professor, Master Program in Global Health and Development, Taipei Medical University
  • 2011.09.01-2015.01.31 Director, Master Program in Global Health and Development, Taipei Medical University
  • 2011.10.01-2012.07.31 Associate Dean, Internatioanl Office, Taipei Medical University
  • 2011.08.16-2011.09.30 Acting Dean, Internatioanl Office, Taipei Medical University
  • 2009.09.01-2011.08.15 Associate Dean, Internatioanl Office, Taipei Medical University
  • 2005.09.01-2009.08.31 Director, Global Liaison Center, Taipei Medical University
  • 2004.02.01- Professor, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University
  • 2000.08.01-2004.07.31 Chief, Curriculum Section, Taipei Medical University
  • 1995.03.01-2004.01.31 Associate Professor, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University
  • 1993.07.01-1994.08.31 Postdocotoral Research Associate, Division of Foods and Nutrition, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign



  • 2013 Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences
  • 2012 Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences
  • 2011 TMU Outstanding Teaching Award, Taipei Medical University
  • 2010 Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences
  • 2009 Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences
  • 2008 Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences
  • 2007 Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences
  • 2007 TMU Teaching Excellence Award
  • 2006 Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences
  • 2005 Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences
  • 2004 Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences
  • 2003 Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences
  • 2002 Faculty Teaching Award


  • 2006 Professor Joseph S. Chen Memorial Award, Nutrition Society of Taiwan
  • 2005 TMU Faulty Research Award
  • 1992 Graduate Student Forum Award, The ICSABER Society, The Ohio State University

International awards and others

  • 2019 Who’s Who in the World (36th ed.)
  • 2018 Who’s Who in the World (35th ed.)
  • 2016 Who’s Who in the World (33th ed.)
  • 2015 Who’s Who in the World (32nd ed.)
  • 2014 Who’s Who in the World (31st ed.)
  • 2013 Who’s Who in the World (30th ed.)
  • 2012 Who’s Who in Asia (2nd ed.)
  • 2009World Who’s Who of Women (15th ed)
  • 2008-2009 Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (10th ed.)
  • 2007 Who’s Who in Asia (1st ed.)
  • 2006-2007 Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (9th ed.)

Katherine Tomaino, RD., MPH

Academic Qualification :

  • The Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health, A.B. PRISMA, Lima, Peru
  • The Center for Human Nutrition, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Area Of Interest :

  • International Health
  • Human Nutrition


Kristen Marie Hurley, PhD., MPH

Academic Qualification :

  • PhD, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD., USA
  • MPH, Boston University, School of Public Health
  • B.S, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Research Interest :

  • Maternal and child micronutrient status and child development
  • Responsive feeding and early child growth and development
  • Maternal mental health and maternal and child nutritional status



Prof. dr. Hamam Hadi, MS., Sc.D., Sp.GK


Prof Hamam Hadi graduated as Medical Doctor from Gadjah Mada University in 1988. In 1993, he completed his Magister of Science (MS) in Epidemiology at Gadjah Mada University. He then pursued his doctoral study at International Health Department, School of Hygiene and Public Health, the Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Maryland, USA from 1993 to 1997. He earned his Doctor of Science (Sc.D) degree from JHU in 1997 and returned back to his almamater and became a junior lecturer at Gadjah Mada University. In 1998, Prof Hamam established Master Program in Public Health Nutrition at Gadjah Mada University and became the chair of the program until 2015. In 2000, Prof Hamam was appointed to be Director of Master Program in Public Health, at Gadjah Mada University. He was then appointed to be the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University in 2001. In 2006 he and his family established the Alma Ata School of Health Sciences and chaired it from 2009 until 2015. Prof Hamam Hadi has been the President of Alma Ata University since December 2015 until now following the change of Alma Ata School of Health Sciences became the University of Alma Ata in December 2015

Area of Interest

  • Nutritional epidemiology
  • Maternal & child nutrition
  • Obesity
  • Public health nutrition

Publication (click to view publication)

Prof. Maragustam Siregar, M.A


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Prof. Anik Ghufran, M.Pd


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Dr. Ahmad Salim, MPd,. Menyelesaikan S1 di Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta (UCY), S2  Jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan Univesitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), S1 kedua pada jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), dan S3 pad Jurusan Kependidikan Islam UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.

Beberapa karyanya banyak tertuang pada artikel yang termuat pada jurnal terakreditasi bereputasi scopus, copernicus ataupun sinta; misalnya; Skills and Challenges in Digital Teaching Post-Covid-19: Malaysian and Indonesia Student (2021), Philosophical Readings XIII.4 (2021). Madrasa’s Social Capital in the Context of Hilly Communities Dynamics: The Case of Madrasa Maarif Kokap in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2021) IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies (IJRCS) 4:2 (2021); 113-136. Islamic Boarding School Response to the Impact of COVID-19 in Maintaining the Pesantren Values (2021) International Journal of Islamic Educational Psychology.Pendidikan Saintifik dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di Madrasah, Jurnal Cendekia, Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, STAIN Ponorogo, 2014, Manajemen Pendidikan Karakter, Jurnal, Tarbawi, IAIN Banten, 2015, Implikasi Aliran Filasafat Pendidikan Islam Pada Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Jurnal Literasi, FAI Alma Ata, 2017, Relasi Sosial Madrasah terhadap Perubahan Nilai Masyarakat Perbukitan, Jurnal Literasi, FAI Alma Ata, 2018, The Madrasa Resistance Againt Radicalism, Jurnal Nadwa UIN Wali Songgo, 2019, Secularization, Symbolic Reality Sacred In the Monereh Hills Madrasa, Yogyakarta, IAIN Ponorogo, 2020.

Sedangkan tulisan dalam bentuk buku tertuang dalam, Manajemen Karakter, sebuah Konsep dan Penerapannya, Sabda Media, 2013, serta Modal Sosial Madrasah pada Kontek Masyarakat Perbukitan ( Studi di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Maarif Kulon Progo DI Yogyakarta) Elsabmi sabda, 2020. Muslim-Buddhist Relations In Girimulyo Kulon Progo Special Region Of Yogyakarta (2021) book chapter, UMM Malang. Beberapa tulisan berupa opini banyak juga terpublish di beberapa medio online, misalnya, Menakar Kekuatan Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta (PTKIS) Menghadapi Dampak Covid -19, Channel, 2020.

Dr. Akhsanul Fuadi, M.Pd.I

Publication (click to view publication)


Praktisi pendidikan yang menjadi salah satu tim pendiri beberapa sekolah favorit di Yogyakarta. Menjadi konsultan dalam bidang pendidikan dan lebih dari 10 tahun menjadi pimpinan lembaga pendidikan dan mencetak sekolah-sekolah favorit yang ada di Daerah Istimewa yogyakarta. Menyelesaikan studi Doktor Kependidikan Islam UIN Sunan Kalijaga (2019). Beberapa karya telah dihasilkan berupa buku seperti: Pendidikan Islam dan Budaya (2015), Sukses Sory Kepala Sekolah (2019). Beberapa karya hasil pemikiran dan penelitiannya juga dipublikasikan di jurnal internasional bereputasi, dan jurnal nasional. Keilmuan yang ditekuni adalah bidang Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI), sekalipun ilmu praktis yang dimiliki bidang managemen pendidikan khususnya terkait sekolah Islam, pesantren, sekolah berbasis pesantren, integrasi keilmuan dan lainnya.

Dr. Muh. Mustakim, M.Pd

Publication (click to view publication)


Dr. Muh. Mustakim, M.Pd.I menyelesaikan studi Doktor Kependidikan Islam UIN Sunan Kalijaga (2019) dan Doktor Pendidikan Agama Islam diUniversitas Muhammadiyah Malang (2020). Beberapa karya telah dihasilkan berupa buku seperti Membumikan Etika Islam (2012); Spiritualisasi Pendidikan Qur’ani (2020) dan lainnya. Beberapa karya hasil pemikiran dan penelitiannya juga dipublikasikan di jurnal internasional terindeks scopus, sinta maupun prosiding Internasional ataupun nasional seperti Learning in Madrasah based pesantren during the covid-19 Pandemic (2021); The Syuro-Participative Leadership in Al-Qur’an-Based Pesantren in the Disruption Era (2021); Spiritualization of child education in the qur’anic sufism perspective in the Covid-19 era (2021); School and pesantren: Study of institutional transformation of islamic education in pesantren-based schools (SBP) Ibnu Abbas Klaten Indonesia (2019) dan beberapa karya lainnya. Editor in Chief jurnal Bangun Desa ini berperan juga sebagai reviewer di jurnal nasional maupun Internasional seperti Journal of Al-Tamaddun (Malaysia), Jurnal Intelegensia : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan sebagainya. Keilmuan yang ditekuni adalah bidang Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI), khususnya terkait pesantren, sekolah berbasis pesantren, spiritualisasi pendidikan Qur’ani dan lainnya.


Dr. Kana Safrina Rouzi, M.Si

Publication (click to view publication)


Kana Safrina Rouzi lahir di Meulaboh, 24 Februari 1976. Menamatkan pendidikan di SDN Lambheu Aceh Besar di tahun 1988, MtSS di Madrasah Ulumul Qur’an Langsa pada tahun 1991, MAN I Model di Banda Aceh pada tahun 1994, S1 di Tarbiyah IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh lulus tahun 2000. Melanjutkan S2 di Psikologi Universitas Padjadjaran di tahun 2005 yang dibiayai oleh BPPS DIKBUD dan S3 di Psikologi Pendidikan Islam Program Pascasarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) yang dibiayai oleh MORA Scholarship dan lulus tahun 2019.
Mulai tahun 2000, beliau menjadi tenaga pengajar pada jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh dan pada tahun yang sama juga mulai mengajar di Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh (UNMUHA). Beliau mengabdi pada kedua institusi tersebut dengan status dosen luar biasa yang berakhir pada tahun 2010. Selanjutnya di tahun 2010 menjadi tenaga pengajar di universitas Teuku Umar Meulaboh dan STAI Tgk. Dirundeng Meulaboh dan diangkat menjadi dosen tetap di STAI Tgk. Dirundeng Meulaboh sampai tahun 2020. Setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan S3 di UMY, menjadi dosen tetap di Universitas Alma Ata Yogyakarta mulai dari tahun 2020 sampai dengan sekarang.
Beliau aktif menjadi presenter dan narasumber dalam webinar nasional dan internasional serta menulis artikel yang bisa diakses di Saat ini beliau menjabat sebagai ketua prodi PGMI di Universitas Alma Ata Yogyakarta dan juga sebagai Editor in Chief di IJEETI (Indonesian Journal of Elementary Education and Teaching Innovation) juga aktif sebagai reviewer dan editor di jurnal-jurnal nasional.


Dr. Endi Rochaendi, M.Pd.,

Publication (click to view publication)


adalah Lektor Manajemen Pendidikan di Program Studi (S-1) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Alma Ata, Yogyakarta. Kariernya dimulai sebagai Pembantu Pimpinan di Kantor Depdikbud Kabupaten Majalengka Jawa Barat tahun 1991 sampai tahun 2001. Kemudian sejak tahun 2001 bertugas di lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Majalengka Jawa Barat sebagai Fungsional Umum di bidang Perencanaan Pendidikan pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Majalengka. Pada tahun 2019 kemudian beralih tugas menjadi Tenaga Pengajar di Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi (STF) YPIB Cirebon Jawa Barat dan sejak tahun 2020 sampai dengan sekarang bekerja sebagai Dosen di Universitas Alma Ata.

Pendidikan dasar dan menengah (SD/SMP-SMA) ditamatkan di kampung kelahirannya, yakni Desa Loji Kecamatan Jatiwangi Kabupaten Majalengka Jawa Barat. Pada tahun 1990 menyelesaikan S-1 Perencanaan Pendidikan di IKIP Jakarta (Universitas Negeri Jakarta), kemudian tahun 1999 menamatkan S-2 Administrasi Pendidikan di IKIP Bandung (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) dan tahun 2018 berhasil menuntaskan S-3 Administrasi Pendidikan di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung.

Mata kuliah yang diampu dalam dua tahun terakhir ini adalah (a) manajemen pendidikan, (b) manajemen berbasis sekolah, (c) manajemen kelas, (d) kepemimpinan pendidikan, (e) profesi keguruan, (f) pengembangan kurikulum, (g) filsafat pendidikan, dan (h) ilmu pendidikan.



Dr. Laelatul Badriah, M.Pd


Dr. Laelatul Badriah, M.Pd. menyelesaikan studi Doktor Kependidikan Islam UIN Sunan Kalijaga (2021) Beberapa karya telah dihasilkan berupa buku seperti Kebermanfaan Kearifan Lokal dalam Proses Pembelajaran di Madrasah Intidaiyah (2022), hasil pemikiran dan penelitian yang di[ublikasikan di Jurnal ilmiah antara lain Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam Masa Klasik (2016), Pembelajaran Tematik sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Keaktifan Peserta didik (2018), Strengthening Charakter Education Through the Implementation of Madrasah’s Culture: A Study at State Islamic Primary School 1 Bantul (2020), Imolementasi Landasan Filosofis-Teleologis Pendidikan Islam dalam Membangun Pendidikan karakter (Telaah Surat Ali Imran Ayat 79 (2018), Kreatifitas Guru dan Lingkungan Belajar terhadap Keaktifan Siswa (2017), dan Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Pembelajaran Tematik melalui Media Gambar di Kleas II (2015), dan karya lainya. Editor in Chief jurnal LITERASI Jurnal Pendidikan Islam. Review jurnal Ilmiah Jurnal Pendidikan Madrsah Ibidaiyah Unisma, Jurnal IJEETI dan lain sebagainya. Keilmuan yang ditekuni adalah bidang pendidikan Islam dan Pendidikan Dasar Islam yang terkait Pembelajaran PAI, Pembelajaran Tematik, dan Pendidikan Guru MI


Dr. Andi Wahyudi


Dr. Andi Wahyudi, M.Pd. lahir pada tanggal 23 Oktober 1989 di Cianjur Jawa Barat. Pada Tahun 2020, memperoleh gelar  Doktor  Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) di Program pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Buku yang pernah ditulis diantaranya adalah Biomolekul dalam konteks kentang pada Tahun 2020, Modul strategi belajar mengajar dan modul Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Tahun 2021 dan buku lainnya di bidang pendidikan. Buah pemikiran dan penelitiannya telah dipublikasikan pada jurnal dan prosiding internasional bereputasi seperti hasil penelitian berjudul Calcium contained tap water phenomena: students misconception patterns of acids-bases concept (2018),

Isolation and characterization of polyphenol oxidases (PPO) on potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum) using age and environmental control (2019), Biochemistry course achievement of pre-service chemistry teachers at one of Islamic institution of teachers training program in Bandung (2019), The Impact of Collaborative Model Assisted by Google Classroom to Improve Students’ Creative Thinking Skills (2021), Innovative chemistry education: An alternative course models in the disruption era (2021), dan penelitian-penelitian lainnya. Saat ini terlibat aktif sebagai editor dan reviewer di beberapa jurnal nasional terakreditasi dan jurnal internasional bereputasi.


Dr (cand). Aida Hayani, M.Pd


(Cand) Dr. Aida Hayani, M.Pd sedang menempuh studi Doktor Pendidikan Agama Islam di UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta (2022) dan ia telah menyelesaikan Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam di UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogayakarta dan IAIN Lhokseumawe, Beliau pula merupakan alumni Program Kaderisasi Ulama (PKU) XV di UNIDA Gontor. Beberapa karya telah dihasilkan berupa buku Inovasi Kurikulum berbasis Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka,  Teori-teori Pembelajaran Abad 21, Studi Al-Quran Abad 21, Constructive Aligment Program Studi Doktor PAI di PTKI.

Beberapa karya hasil pemikiran dan penelitiannya juga dipublikasikan di jurnal internasional terindeks scopus, sinta maupun prosiding Internasional ataupun nasional seperti Islamic Education Based on The Problem of Education Relevance in The Era of Diruption, Analisis Kritis Teks Syair Meurukon dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Islam, Penerapan Syari’at Islam di Aceh Antara Kenyataan dan Harapan (Menelusuri Budaya Masyarakat Aceh Masa Lampau dalam Manuskrip), Problems Of Modern Society In Applying Islamic Law In Aceh: Tracing The Past Culture Society Aceh in The Manuscript, Developing Curriculum of the Departement Religious Education IAIN Lhokseumawe, Penerapan Syari’at Islam sebagai wujud Recontruksi Pancasila. Selain  berperan sebagai dosen dan penelitim, beliau berperan juga sebagai reviewer di jurnal seperti Heutotogia, Bangun Desa, Qulubana. Keilmuan yang ditekuni adalah bidang Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI), khususnya terkait kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam, Filsafat Pendidikan serta Pemikiran Islam.

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