Concentration Indo

Public Health Nutrition Program

Public health nutrition field practice is carried out in 2nd semester especially in Nutritional Assessment Status (2 credits) and Nutritional Epidemiology (2 credits) courses. Field practice of maternal and child nutrition is on the 3rd semester, through “Maternal and Child Nutrition” elective course (2 credits).  Furthermore, non-communicable diseases field study is carried out in 3rd semester, through “Nutrition and NCDs” elective course (2 credits). LAM-PTKes: Minimum Accreditation Instrument of Health Science Program on 2019 Master Program

Epidemiology Program

Epidemiology master students will learn more through field practice in 2nd and 3rd semester on “Evaluation of public health program” elective course (in 2nd semester), and on “Evaluation and Implementation of Surveillance Systems and Outbreak Investigation” course (in 3rd semester).  Through these courses, students are guided to evaluate one of the up-to-date public health programs and provide constructive input for the Health Service based on scientific studies. Furthermore, students are given the opportunity to investigate an outbreak of a disease that develops in the 3rd semester, a new learning experience that is very valuable for students and for the District / City Health Service in DIY and Central Java.

To ensure that the Master of Public Health of Alma Ata University curriculum can provide excellent learning outcomes, especially about the evaluation and implementation of surveillance and outbreak investigation systems, UAA has developed collaboration in education and curriculum development with Taipei Medical University, Taiwan. Taiwan is a country that has a very good track record in developing surveillance systems, and has been praised by the World Health Organization (WHO) for controlling current SARS/Covid-19 virus outbreaks.


Address : Brawijaya St 99, Bantul, Spesial Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55183

Phone : (0274) 4342288, 4342270

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Pendaftaran Pascasarjana UAA Batch 9 dibuka hingga 31 Agustus 2024.
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